DD29 Advanced Courses

General description

On Sunday, 22nd June (see program below), we are offering specialized courses designed for Doctoral students and Postdoctoral fellows. These courses provide an excellent opportunity for students and young reserchers to learn how standard DD methods can be developed and applied to real-world problems.
The program includes:
• Two lectures on numerical approximation and domain decomposition (DD) methods for cardiovascular applications.
• Two lectures with laboratory sessions introducing students to the Gridap solver.

All lectures will take place in Room T01, Building 13 (see here).

How to register to the courses

For doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows, the courses are included in the conference fee; however, prior registration is mandatory.
To register, please send an email to christian.vergara@polimi.it.
Important: Registration via email is required. Participation in the Sunday courses will not be granted solely by registering for the conference and paying the conference fee.


9.00 – 10.00 – Heterogeneous domain decomposition for hemodynamics (C. Vergara)


We start by introducing general and abstract principles, both at the continuous and at the numerical level, about the coupling of heterogeneous problems, arising from different physics, different geometric description or different mathematical modeling of the same physics. Then we describe three example of such heterogeneous domain decomposition problems for hemodynamic applications:
i) the fluid-structure interaction problems arising for compliant vessels and for the cardiac muscle; 
ii) the 3D-1D-0D coupling of the vascular tree where different geometric details are used in different portion of the system;
iii) the Navier-Stokes/multi-compartmen Darcy coupling for the cardiac perfusion.
In all the cases, we start by writing the continuous problem with the coupling conditions and then we address the numerical solution by means of DD methods.

10.00 – 11.00 – Domain decomposition preconditioners for cardiac electrophysiology (S. Scacchi)


Abstract: The spread of electrical impulse in the cardiac tissue is mathematically described by systems of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). The most complete model is the Bidomain model, a degenerate system of two parabolic reaction-diffusion PDEs for the intra- and extracellular electric potentials. The numerical solution of this system is highly computational demanding, thus reduced model have been developed in the literature. The most popular one is the Monodomain model, consisting of a parabolic reaction-diffusion PDE for the transmembrane potential. Both models are coupled through the nonlinear reaction term with stiff systems of ordinary differential equations modeling the electrical behavior of the cellular membrane.
The space and time discretizations of the Bidomain and Monodomain models yield at each time step the solution of large scale ill conditioned linear systems. In this lecture we will focus on the parallel solvers that have been developed in the last decade to speed up the solution of such models, including mainly multilevel overlapping Schwarz, dual primal nonoverlapping and algebraic multigrid preconditioners.

11.00 – 11.30 Coffee break

11.30 – 12.30 – Introduction to Gridap: finite element solvers in Julia: Part 1 (S. Badia & J. Manyer)


This hands-on workshop will showcase the main features of Gridap (https://github.com/gridap/Gridap.jl), an ecosystem of software packages for the simulation of problems governed by PDEs written in the Julia programming language.
Gridap has a very expressive user interface, allowing one to solve complex PDE systems by stating the problem using whiteboard notation. It implements multiple state-of-the-art finite element methods that can efficiently exploit large-scale HPC supercomputers.
The workshop will be tutorial-based and cover the main features of Gridap, its application to several problems, and its deployment in distributed memory machines. There will also be a brief introduction to finite element methods addressed to participants without previous background in these techniques.
The emphasis will be mainly on presenting the main software abstractions underlying these packages and how these can be combined to solve a variety of PDEs with application to different problems in science and engineering. Participants must bring their own laptops. Instructions to install the software will be provided to registered participants. These should be followed before the actual workshop takes place.

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.00 – Introduction to Gridap: finite element solvers in Julia: Part 2 (S. Badia & J. Manyer)